Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Extreme Couponing

Thanks to the TLC, my family and I have started couponing again. Extreme style. It is not just time consuming. It is a way of life. Thank goodness my children are old enough to understand that coupons are basically money in our hand we don't have to pay on groceries and other products. Seriously, folks it worth the trouble. My only hang up is the drinks. I want to know where these people are getting free powerade, flavored water, etc for free. That is something we use a lot thanks to sports, and living in the desert. It is hot.


Nicole K/GothamGal said...

Looks like it's stores like Albertson's or Ralphs or something (think chain grocery store) and they usually do a 10 for $10 promo. Looks like then the extreme couponers do the dollar off powerade coupons then. Good luck!

mean mom productions said...

Where are they getting their drink coupons? I can't get any where the drink company's other than the new ones