Friday, October 17, 2008


Being sick really stinks! After two weeks for dealing with bronchitis on my own, I finally went to the doctor yesterday. I was told that I was no longer coughing to clear my chest but my cough was an actual whez. Wonderful!:(
So, they put me on some medication including allergy medications to clear up the bronchitis, allergy attacks, and whez. I have to go back this coming to week to ensure I haven't developed a permit condition.
So, instead of my kids and I being at the center where I work we are at home today resting. If you call doing laundry, dealing with dirty dishes resting then that is what I am doing.
The only good thing is that I can use my time while not breaking up sibling arguments, and folding laundry to finish getting my Thanksgiving curcirlum together and get my submission for a digital designer for scrap booking as well.
So, here's to all that are sick and feeling under the weather.
Here's to all that well and feeling swell! Have a great fall break.

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