Friday, March 12, 2010

Commenters..leaving ads

Please stop. This is to those that are leaving ads for working aboard or from home, stop it please. This is not what i want my blog to be about. if you keep it up, can will be found out by the fcc and it will lead to major jail time for not respecting the do not wish to be contacted law. To which, I am notifying, my blog no longer wishes to have you leave this types of messages.

Please cease and decease or blogger will be forced to contact the fcc just about my blog but about the other blogs you have hacked into leaving this types of messages. Trust me, when I say you will get into trouble.

Everyone else who are my friends please continue. If you also have been hacked, you must a leave a message like this on your blog, then contact blogger about these annoying and unrespectful hackers. They can't do anything about unless you contact them.


Barbara said...

Your blog is great. I am visiting from over at J*S.
I noticed this post. I too have been getting a number of these annoying adverting posts to my blog recently. It's very irritating! I think it's because I allow anonymous posts to my blog. I allow annonymous posts because I don't want my family to have to log in to post - I want to it to be easier than that. They just sign their name. It doesn't mean I want to receive ads!
Is there anything in particular I need to do to notify Blogger of these annoying ad posts? Would it be great if they just stopped so we could use our blogs the way we wanted to!
Have a great day!

mean mom productions said...

I think we need their http address for their blog and website and report them as an abuser of the system. Then I think its up to blogger to handle it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen them yet. Hmm I'll keep an eye out.

William Thomson said...

en that cool ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
