Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pub Ad Inspiration

I did something Thursday night. I haven’t done in a long while. I went outside in the complete dark. I wanted to see the full moon or almost full moon. As I went out the door, I felt a gentle caressing breeze touch my skin, a soft whisper of falls approach in my ear, and the yard lit up softly by the light of the moon. It was incredibly peaceful, stress relieving, and satisfying to one’s being. To just sit and be still, as instructed by the Bible to do when lost in turmoil. The crickets lullaby could have easily put me under a spell of solid sleep. Yet, I was beckoned back inside to my children and DH over Josie and the Pussycats DVD.
It was refreshing; I will definitely have to do it again.

Friday was a full break down day for me. Between having enough of family blaming my cooking for my child being sick for a week, a doctor that still had not call me back until after I sought a second opinion, and just being exhausted overall. I cried, and cried and cried. Yet, I knew that if I could hold on to the online crop that was schedule I would be in good company.
My DH forgot that it was crop night and promptly took the kids for awhile, so, I could enjoy some down time.
I was pretty creative if I do say so myself! Results are in the post below this one.

Back to Friday, we went to a second doctor for a different opinion in another clinic. This place was so cool. It was definitely smaller than the last place. This place was cooler and nicer. They even wrote on the sheet of special diet that they sent home, that the girls couldn’t have fruit snacks because they have been known to irritate existing stomach conditions. They girls are supposed to eat whole bland foods period. He told me it wasn’t my cooking. Rather, my cooking probably added the kid’s body to heal itself when I did cook something that the rest of family didn’t agree with. So, I’d like to tell the rest my family that just because they are older than me doesn’t mean they know everything, and just because they are younger than me you have taught me so much this week. I love you kids!

Saturday, was a headache day for me. Between weather changing to fall, stress still being released from a week of complete overload of worry and freight, I did have some good things happen.

I cook lentil soup with rice, meet Kim from two peas in a bucket; which was totally fun. I got to go grocery shopping by myself on Saturday. This never happens ever if I have a kid sick home all week. Maybe DH’s guilty consensus got to him.

I found out my local library is having a scary story hour for the kids to dress up, and celebrate fall, another friend told me about trunk or treat at their church, and I started the organizational project with support from my DH. He never supports a craft project but this time he did! Save your cereal boxes, pasta and cracker boxes, you medicine boxes (you know the ones that you go this would make a great project but you don’t know what to do with them) and other boxes that look reusable. The only boxes I don’t recommend are the pancake mixes.

It was the Coyote’s first game; the start of hockey season. My family may disagree about a lot but that doesn’t stop unity during hockey season! They came out fighting. They had three goals by the second quarter. Anybody got the final score for me? Where is my hockey buddies?

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