Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday...bwah's and sick whines..We're still out of order

child #1 and Child #2 both have the swine flu..

Child#1 got diagnosised this morning.
Child #2 got diagnosied tuesday...

the best knews I could get right now..I get a job offer to work from home from for a company that needs a monitor on a message board, I get offerred to be a designer for a book company as an illustrator/get to read books for money for a book company, or I get offerred the part as the spirit guide of zoeybird in the upcoming movie for House of Night series..(total geek I know). Thus, I can stay at home and work from home and still make money to help pay bills to take stress off of my stressed out DH...


SmartandSassy said...

I hope you get the job you want. Hang in there! You are such a good person you deserve to have better days come your way. This is my wish for you.

Jen Martakis said...

Hey you, just checking in to see how you are. I haven't seen you at 2peas in a couple of days. I hope that the kiddos are feeling better and you haven't gotten sick. :(
