Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6

Here is some pub ad for inspiration for your december daily pages. I know that many people are doing a daily page. I hope these help you figure out what you are doing.

Here is my December 6th page. The entire album was literarily created off the top of my head just looking at what was availabe in the kit at the I used no ads, until the end when the creative juices were on low..then I used a layout using one big picture and three smaller ones side by side. It was cool looking. I like the rectangular shape side by side with squares some what stacked like on a shelve. When I get to that page I will let you know it. I like how the tree and the buttons coordinated with each other. I like how I sprinkled the buttons like on a cake on this page. I think that is my favorite.

1 comment:

Linda Beeson said...

Perfect ads for inspiration! Isn't it amazing what you can find?