Jo Lynne Valerie, Author http://www.jolynnevalerie.blogspot.com/
Scott Noir, Author http://www.scottnoir.blogspot.com/
Author Lorna Suzuki http://web.me.com/imagobooks
Blogger Rebecca Hession http://www.randomthoughtsbyrebecca.com/
Paranormal Haven http://paranormalhaven.blogspot.com/
Author Dawn Maria http://http://www.dawnmaria.com/
Mariana Blaser http://marilaser.blogspot.com/
Author Heather Long http://dailydose-fantasyromance.blogspot.com/
The Art of Writing In The Rain http://mypoint.typepad.com/blog/
Indie Times - Independent Talent Magazine http://theindietimes.com/
Groovy Mystery http://yancydunkle.home.comcast.net/~yancydunkle/Dunkle/Capers/
Author Leigh Ellwood http://leighwantsfood.blogspot.com/
My blog is focusing on the love relationship that we have with animals , that we have with us and around us. Have ever noticed just how nice it is to come home to find someone wanting nothing but to snuggle with you with no strings attached. Have you noticed that if your stressed they come over and destress you with in seconds of touching you? How nice it is that they listen? This is what pets do for us. They need and seek love, and acceptance just like we do. They bring the "better" side of us out as well. So, this weekend make sure you take that special animal out for a special bonding time. If they weren't with us, then they would be wild and in a pack. Yet, with in a pack there is a family dynamic that each member does receive love and protection. So, let your love shine down not only on your human partners but your animal ones as well.
So, the other animals around us are the wild. I live in the desert. We often see bobcats, coyotes, rattlesnakes, and bunnies (yes there are bunnies out here). Though, most of the time we just go the other way and think nothing of it. These wild animals in your and our area help balance the scale between rodients, and pesty critters that are often unwanted. If it weren't for them, we would be over run with things we would not like. Yes, I have said that the only good snake is a dead snake but if it were for snakes, then cycle would be off balance. Being off balance is like trying to walk a tight rope without safety net. What happens, you crash to your undoing. So, be thankful for those animals we would often just dismiss as a pain in the neck. No, I'm not advising running out and hugging them that would be way too dangerous. Just when you prayer, say vespers, or chant be thankful for everything including the animals.
Everything has its purpose, place, and reason for being here just like the seasons.
I have had the privilege of working with photos from Jo Lynne's collection of photos of her dog Kodiak. This is one of my favorites. When I first saw it I kept hearing she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me in my head after hearing the story of romance he has with his neighbor's dog and how above all odds. The neighbor's dog, feels at home with kodiak. So, in honor of their love will conquer all I did this layout for Jo Lynne.

I have to thank Songbird Avenue for allowing me to on their creative team. Their current kit heart of haiti is available http://www.songbirdavenue.com/.
I have to thank Jo Lynne from the bottom of my heart for adding me to her blog tour. So, without further a do, I am living her link here as well, again. So, if you missed the start you can catch the love train. http://www.jolynne.blogspot.com/
Our cat was missing for six weeks and he came home this week. I missed his presence in bed every night while he was gone. He liked to tuck my husband and I in. I loved this post, animals love us unconditionally.
Great reminder, I'll be sure to give Lilly our Newf a big snuggle for Valentine's Day!
Yes, the love relationship that one has with their animals is true blue.
Not too long ago, my family's 14-yr-old Jack Russell terrier died after a short bout with cancer.
I could never imagine how much I would cry at her loss.
There are two more dogs in my life, and I do make sure that they know they are loved.
Thank you for your lovely post.
I'm a dog person, so I totally relate with you.
My love for mu dogs, and their for me is inexplicable, but we understand it all the same! heh
Ah, err, my blog's address is actually http://mariblaser.blogspot.com. Thought you'd like to know?
Hapy V-day! :)
I absolutely love this post. I love how original you made it - about our relationship with animals! 5 stars. from me. :)
Thank you so much for participating in my V-Day Blog Tour. As a thank you to all the bloggers, I'm offering to send a quartz crystal - because, as you know, I am all about positive energy. :)
If you'd like one, please DM or privately message me a postal address and I'll send one out. :)
Moonbeams and Luv ~
Jo Lynne
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