Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our trip is booked!!

We are headed back to the south for a week in August. Yes, folks I said August for our return trip home. Are we insane? Apparently, just slightly between humidity and tempature changes we forgot this is the hottest part of the summer for them.

This trip is primarily to see my Dh's grandmother. He is very close to her. She has had some recent health issues, so, he feels the need to go spend time with her. I agree its important.

So, from July 30th-August 7th, I probably won't be posting much. I will be taking my computer but to have privacy I need to do postings is very limited. Almost none in fact.

The good thing about our trip home is that I get to see one of my best friend's. Hi Angie! Hope your in town. I haven't seen her in 2 years folks. We are suppose to have a girls afternoon out. No husbands and no kids.

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