Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Update from Last Night

After I typed what happened with the phone call, I got a strange text message. I did not and I repeat did not reply. I decided that since I didn't recognize it and that it did not sound like anyone I normally have contact with it would be better to not respond at all.

Dh got home. He checked the outside of the house. The inside of the house and said that we just need to not answer an non-identified calls from now on. Let it go to voicemail, then check. If the guy continues to call, we will involve the police.

Though no new calls...


Jen Martakis said...

Wow, what a terrible situation. I sure hope he realizes that he made a mistake and just leaves you guys alone. No fun to have to deal with that kind of thing. (((hugs)))

mean mom productions said...

Tell me about it! It was like when I lived in the inner city when I was younger. This is when drive by's where a big problem. You didn't sleep much expect on the floor. Expect, I slept incredibly lightly and every creak had my eyes popping open....
So, far its quiet. I think he realized that he had the wrong family after no response or maybe he actually confronted the parents in person. I just hope the kids involved in what he said get their punishment due if it truly was them being cruel and criminal.