Saturday, January 17, 2009


a day of cleaning, a day of doctor's appointments and medicine pick up, and a day to try to get some digital scrapbooking done, along with lesson plans for next month, and letters to my students in my new room.

What a week it has been for me. From allergies/sinus/colds to bumping my head so bad, I have been on the phone with the doctor for the past few days. To having to take charge and clean a new room. To evulating new students discovering they are not where they need to be education wise from my stand point not just as a mom but as a teacher..I'm terrified for them. I'm in shock for them to say the least.

To my dh who is going to exhhmm, "help clean up the house today". Well, we will see about how much cleaning he actually does. To my youngest stating I don't feel well either mommy to seeing that awful thick nasty snot coming out of her nose.

I'm actually wasting time until the hockey game tonight. Unfortunately, I have a feeling my team I can't call if they win or loose. They are not consistent at one of the two. So, there you have it.

Anyone been browsing my galleries to find the picture clues for my contest yet? I will give you one more hint. The layouts you are looking for are on page 1 and 3 of my gallery. Hee hee..that is the only clues you will get from here out. I really would like to give a $5.00 gift certificate to some one. As a thank you for reading my blog.

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