Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 111 Countdown

Oh my, I did it. I got the background to change on the blog. Thanks to the blog instructions... It took me awhile to figure it out. I did it though.

What do you think? A little bright a I know. Well, I am just so darn proud of myself for figuring it. I am not a tech geek like my DH. So, for me to set up and maintain my own blog. Is just an accomplishment in itself.

I go in early today for work. Half our staff is out and everyone on deck is needed. I don't mind the extra hours either.Now, I just have to get back to scanning circurlum pages into catagories for next year. I might wait for another few days, simply so I can get caught up on some digital scrapbooking and design another free kit for you guys to use.Plus, there is a chat tonight as well.

NHL coyotes play tonight. MY crew loves hockey. so do I! Right now our team is ranked 5th in the NHL. We need to keep scoring in every game. We need to win every game here on out. We need to show them that you don't under estimate the coyotes.

1 comment:

angelica jackson said...

i think your blog looks great! i love the green. :)angie