Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I have a cold.

I have a cold but I don't need to blow my nose. The snot is all in my ears making me feel dizzy to my fears. There's nothing I can do, unless you count drinking lots of juice to counter the fuice of the medicine. Feeding the cold only leads to weight in places I have just begun to see again. so, leave it alone, it will find another home, and to whom I don't know where it will move to.

I have cold but I don't need to blow my nose. I'd rather close my eyes for a nap. A nap a nap would be jolly right now. Expect I'm a mom with after school activities calling my name with two adorable children in tow.

so, what about this rhyme that doesn't rhyme. I don't know where it came from. leave it alone and it will find a home of its own.

Maybe, you'll help me find one...

excuse a weird state of mind but the mecidine really throws me for a loop. Its time to go and do my duties that never seem to end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon! Colds are yuck!