In a game that was hard core hockey playoff action the coyotes lost in the third period 4 to 7. They didn't mean to loose it just happened. Between the two major injuries received, the extremely rude Detroit Red Wing Fans that threw dead octopus on the ice, penalities that were not called, and over all spirit of the game it happens. Unforunately, we now have to play two to three more games against a team that is considered a legend in the NHL. Though in order to become a legend you must play one first. Well, I have to say, that apparently, they are so stuck in the legend in ego they have forgotten about what it takes spirit and respect to win clean.
I'm sad that my team did not win, however, they made me proud in the way they work together and show respect regardless how far they come.
Go Coyotes, get 'em Sunday on their turf. Be Blessed, Be prosperous, and be protected from Injuries.
The Octopus tradition in Detroit is older then the Winnipeg Jets franchise. And if you want to talk about dirty non-calls, how about the high stick to Nick Lidstrom in the third period of the first game? He was bleeding, should have been a double minor. And it's not two to three more games, it's at least three games. In a best of seven series, the first team to four wins, wins.
i guess phoenix moms are now the paragon of hockey sportsmanship?? the wings don't play dirty, they play a skilled game. they were forced to play the coyotes physical style of play due to getting out-hit and out-played during game 1. did you even watch these games? are you even aware that it will be at least three more games, regardless of who wins the next one? were you aware that the wings have received only ONE more power play than your phoenix coyotes? are you even a hockey fan, or someone who looks to ride the winning team wave - which, for your team, is typically out in round one?
hmm, spirit and respect, eh? first thing i noticed last night is the coyotes lack of respect for the very game of hockey - what the hell? the first period was pure uncontrolled craziness by the coyotes, certainly not the finer quality of hockey the red wings play. do you really know anything about hockey and that yes, the wings are a living legend? and the octopus is a long standing detroit play-off tradition, probably older than the play-off beard - come on now really, how long have you been a hockey fan...
Hockey should never be played in the desert... move that shit to Hamilton, Seattle, Winnepeg, or Quebec City. Hockey and sandy meth labs don't mix!
You could talk about the penalties not called if you are referring to game one. Spirit of hockey and sportsmanship? Shane Doan was taking runs at the Wing's players with intent to injure, when he hit Kronwall in game 1, should have been a game misconduct. Or Cleary against the bench. Phoenix knows nothing of hockey or of how it should be played, that is their only strategy because they don't know what else to do to stop the Wings. By the way, your headline should read "Phoenix Coyotes LOSE to Detroit Red Wings." "Loose" refers to something being loose, limp, not tight, etc. Like your mean mom vagina is loose from all the dicks you took since becoming a slut at age 13. That may seem harsh or a personal attack but that is what you get for attacking the wings in aspects of the game they are respected all around the league for. When you actually know about hockey we would be interested in what you might say.
alright, my name is kasey and i am one of the 3 who threw the octopus on the ice. is it slightly disrespectful? sure! but hey! it's hockey so stop crying about it. if you are a phoenix fan it most likely means you know little about hockey so i don't really care too much about what you think.
i had seats way up at the top and was sitting in front of a older group of phoenix fans. i was talking to my buddies and said the "F" word. the lady sitting behind me must have been 65 and she says to me in a very angry voice "watch your language" all i said was "you're at a hockey game" then i turned around only to be punched in the back. hahahaha it was great!! now that's disrespect!! you don't assault someone... like...what was she thinking....as i was on my way to throw the octopus i looked at her and said hey watch section 117. this is for you... and i walked out. nothing but thugs in phoenix (glendale) even the old women are thugs haha. anyway stop your crying about the octopus i threw. actually between the 3 of us we threw 9. 9 for Gordy Howe and for the anniversary of the octopus on april 15th in 1952. one of us went to jail and the bail was $500 but it's all good cause wings fans came together and we raised the cash in an hour at the bar right out side of the stadium. GO WINGS
I am appalled at all of this nonsense and yes hockey mean mom I am for one, sticking up for you!! The Red Wings are all a bunch of overpaid elitists that are ruining our great game of hockey, especially the one we play out here in the desert!! Where it should be played!! The Red Wings should now be called the DEAD WINGS after they lost tonight, LOL!!
" overpaid elitists " ??? Please! There's a salary cap in hockey now. Who are you trying to fool? No one but yourself with comments like that.
Kasey, you think Mickey Redmond would be proud you were swearing in front of an older lady and possibly kids? That's not so hot. I as a Wings fan appreciate the dedication, but the tradition is an octopus after a Wings goal...
http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/hockey/wings-fans-get-a-lesson--in-octoquette-91346259.html Oh, and if I ever meet you, beers on me. Throwing Octopii on the ice is *not* disrespectful. It's a fifty year old hockey tradition. If you don't understand, well, there's always NASCAR, eh?
So, one of the six original teams of the league has a tradition which predates the conception of the formation of your team, and you're talking about which team is ruining hockey? The American team with the most championship wins? Hockey should be played in the desert where there is no natural ice? God help us with your logic.
The Redwings have been called the Deadwings, right before they went on a 19 year tear of playoff appearances...
Your sore tone only exaggerates your jealousy... if you have enough sense to realize what you are saying.
There were no kids around , that I made sure of. But it's not like I was directing it towards her in anyway. I don't care about micky though... I love the wings but he has always been anoying to me. I'll take you up on that beer!
You rock my man. Continue to fight the good fight. :-)
Our heroic Coyotes put up a good fight last night but were once again out-done by the referees!! Bad calls everywhere and Datsuk should have gotten kicked out of the game for his vicious behind the back hit!! Our heroes did good without their captain but we can't beat the DEADWINGS and the REFS oh well! It's back here where our goalie will be ready for them, go get 'em, COYOTES!! And I'd like to see you guys try and throw another dead fish on the ice this time - the police are watching now!! GO PHOENIX!!
"heroic". Seriously what is heroic about the phoenix coyotes crappy hockey francise? A hero will be the person who saves the life of one of these whiney sob's when they choke on their tears after DETROIT skates to the second round.
If the Coyotes were Heoric, they'd have done it with Gretzky. Now they need the league to own them, so Bettman can order the refs to call for them. Fucking shit, ref's call against the Coyotes? And piss off all the other owners and the league? Nigga please. Oh that's right, no MLK day in Arizona. Bitch, get back.
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